Volume 3

Sculpture 19955-64


This volume, the third in the seqence Henry Moore: Sculpture and Drawings is a magnificent illustrated record of the artist's sculpture in the ten years from the beginning of 1955 to the end of 1964. It reeals a remakable development in style and a richness and grandeur of production. Like its two predecessors this is the definitive work on Henry Moore's sculpture , cataloguing and illustrating every piece made by him in this period. It thus provides an eloquent combination of outstanding reproduction and thorough scholarship. The illustrations have been selected by the artist and the editor, Alan Bownes, who has also been responsible for compiling the catalogue and other apparatus: biographical note, lost of exhibitions, list of public collections and bibliography. Sir Herbert Read contributes a short perceptive introduction. Almost all the photographs were taken by the sculptor, or under his supervision. Important works are shown in the plate section, often from several viewpoints and in detail, and this provides a total of 179 plates. Other subjects are illustrated in the catalogue section. The book opens with a superb double-spread frontispiece in colour.

Cím(ek), nyelv
része Bors-Honty művészeti könyvtár
nyelv angol
Tárgy, tartalom, célközönség
tárgy Volume 3
tárgy Henry Moore
tárgy könyv
1. Two Piece Reclining Figure No.1 (457)
2. Introduction by Herbert Read
3. Biographical Summary 1955-64
4. Exhibitions 1955-64
5. List of Public Collections
6. Short Bibliography 1955-64
7. Catalogue of Sculpture 1955-64
teljes tartalomjegyzék
Személyek, testületek
létrehozó/szerző Henry Moore
kiadó Humphries & Company Limited
Tér- és időbeli vonatkozás
kiadás/létrehozás helye London
térbeli vonatkozás London
az eredeti tárgy földrajzi fekvése Kaposvár
létrehozás dátuma 1965-01-01
időbeli vonatkozás 1965
hordozó papír
méret 198 p
formátum jpeg
Jogi információk
jogtulajdonos Együd Árpád Kulturális Központ
hozzáférési jogok Kutatási engedéllyel hozzáférhető
Forrás, azonosítók
forrás http://egyud.kaposvar.hu/
leltári szám/regisztrációs szám BHMK.0640