C. K. Jenkins levele Buday Györgyhöz

Buday György levelezése

minősített tartalom

Angolul írt autográf levél, keltezett; “To tell you the truth, we English do not consider that it is very good taste to give a present to a person just because that person has given one to us. You need not be afraid that I have spent more than I ought. The Dürer was published at the impossible price of ten pounds, and the bookseller said he did not suppose that one copy had been sold. He was selling it as a “remainder” for just a few shillings, and had already sold about 120 copies. I think I told you that I had sold the cottage that my aunt left to me, but I do not think I told you that I had obtained more than £50 above what I have fixed as the price I would accept. So I am really entitled to enjoy spending a few shilling on my friends, though work has been so short this year.”

Mr. C.K. Jenkins's letter written in English to Mr. György Buday, dated in December 1936.

Cím(ek), nyelv
nyelv magyar
nyelv angol
Tárgy, tartalom, célközönség
tárgy levél
tárgy Jenkins, C. K.
tárgy Buday György
Tér- és időbeli vonatkozás
térbeli vonatkozás nincs adat
az eredeti tárgy földrajzi fekvése Szeged
időbeli vonatkozás 1936.12.05.
hordozó papír
méret 20,6 x 32,2 cm
méret 13,7 x 20,6 cm
formátum pdf
Jogi információk
jogtulajdonos Móra Ferenc Múzeum
hozzáférési jogok Kutatási engedéllyel hozzáférhető
Forrás, azonosítók
leltári szám/regisztrációs szám 2002.3.22.