Gyerekek a Kreatív Mozgás Stúdió színpadán

Kreatív gyerektáncóra, Angelus Iván vezetésével

minősített tartalom

A fényképek adományozója a Budapest Tánciskola Archívuma.

The photograph was donated by the Archive of the Budapest Dance School. Children dancing on the stage of CMS.

The Creative Movement Studio was founded in September 1983 by Iván Angelus and Ferenc Kálmán. The space, once a gym in the basement of the former school building, was renovated during the summer. A dance studio, a small hall, changing rooms and showers were installed in the 183 sqm space. Besides the permanent classes (dance, visual arts), the studio employs guest teachers frequently. The CMS also organises dance courses in summer and winter, lasting one or two weeks, to which guest teachers from abroad are invited as well. In addition to teaching, it also serves as a rehearsal space and a venue for performances and concerts. The Studio was located in Csanády Street until 1999. The CMS premises at 55 Pannónia Street were opened in September 1995. In 1999, the professional activity moved to the Goli Tánchely in Óbuda, then under the name Budapest Dance School, where it has been operating ever since, now as Budapest Contemporary Dance College. From the autumn of 1991, the studio introduced a regular school system, i.e. students selected during the admission process can attend classes every day of the week, in the morning. The Budapest Contemporary Dance College was officially established on 14 June 2004. It is founded and maintained by the New Performing Art Foundation. Its Rector is Dr. Iván Angelus.

Cím(ek), nyelv
nyelv magyar
nyelv angol
Tárgy, tartalom, célközönség
tárgy csoportkép
tárgy tánc
tárgy táncművészet
tárgy táncóra
tárgy Angelus Iván koreográfus, pedagógus
tárgy Kreatív Mozgás Stúdió
Tér- és időbeli vonatkozás
térbeli vonatkozás Budapest, XIII. ker., Csanády utca 19.
időbeli vonatkozás 1986
kép színe fekete-fehér
formátum jpeg
Jogi információk
jogtulajdonos Fortepan
hozzáférési jogok Ingyenesen letölthető
Forrás, azonosítók
forrás Fortepan
leltári szám/regisztrációs szám 163136