Rió kávészalon, Esztergom 1981
Korábbi Központi Kávéház, későbbi Belvárosi Kávéház majd újra Központi Kávéház
A felvételen sz esztergomi Rió kávészalon utcai frontja látható. Az eredetileg Központi Kávéháznak hívott vendéglátóhely hosszú múltra tekintett vissza, 1841-ben alapította meg Lindtner Henrich, akit elvarázsoltak a bécsi kávézók és mindenképp szeretett volna egy hasonlóan elegáns kávéházat az érseki városba. később többször bővítették és átépítették, belső része először neobarokk, majd szecessziós stílust képviselt. legismertebb törzsvendége Babits Mihály költő volt.
Interior of Rió Coffee Saloon at 7 Vörösmarty Street of Esztergom in 1981. Formerly Central Café, later Downtown Café, and then Central Café again.
Henrich Lindtner and his wife, Mária Fellinger, opened the most distinguished café in Esztergom in 1841. The then still one-storey building received a neo-baroque interior, which was later remodeled in 1896 by their son, János Lindtner. Then the building became one level higher. Lindtner no longer provided hospitality and leased the building to Ferenc Kaufmann, who had previously provided him with useful advice. On June 28, 1896, the grand opening was held in a café called "Central" at the time. In 1901 another remodel ensued, this time the interior was renewed in Art Nouveau style. In 1902, an open terrace was opened in front of the café. This year, the building became the property of the Neubauer family, who upgraded the building with further improvements, such as the introduction of gaslighting. In 1909, János Neubauer, a former imperial royal chamberlain of Vienna and his family, moved from Vienna to Esztergom, exactly to the first floor of the café. Further expansions followed and significantly increased the range of services. They thought not only of the needs of the body but also of the soul, organizing cultural programs in the spirit of quality entertainment. Concerts and literary evenings followed one another, and as a result of the vibrant cultural life, it soon became an important venue for the social life of the city. Unfortunately, the First World War also ended the happy times of peace here and was closed for a while. Over time, it was rented and operated by several people, perhaps the best known is Sándor Alberti, who from 1927 was in the II. he ran the business until World War II. In the fall of 1948, folk college students also lived in the upstairs residence for a short time. Prior to privatization, it operated as a press. The café was renovated in 1978, 1985 and last in 2006. It was then that he regained the Art Nouveau interior that is still visible today. The name also changed: it was the Rio Café, the Downtown Café, and finally the Central Café again. It took over its operation in 2008 from Szamos Marzipan. Perhaps his most famous regular guest was the poet Mihály Babits, whose memory is preserved in the Babits corner in the room.
Cím(ek), nyelv | |
nyelv | magyar |
nyelv | angol |
Tárgy, tartalom, célközönség | |
tárgy | vendéglátás-történet |
tárgy | védett vendéglátóhely (1978-tól) |
tárgy | utcai front |
tárgy | portál |
tárgy | kávéház |
tárgy | szocialista vendéglátóipar |
tárgy | MKVM |
tárgy | neonfelirat |
Tér- és időbeli vonatkozás | |
térbeli vonatkozás | Esztergom, Vörösmarty utca 7. |
az eredeti tárgy földrajzi fekvése | Budapest |
időbeli vonatkozás | 1981 |
Jellemzők | |
hordozó | papír |
méret | 18 x 24 cm |
kép színe | fekete-fehér |
formátum | jpeg |
Jogi információk | |
jogtulajdonos | MKVM |
hozzáférési jogok | Kutatási engedéllyel hozzáférhető |
Forrás, azonosítók | |
forrás | MKVM |
leltári szám/regisztrációs szám | VF_26290_2 |
leltári szám/regisztrációs szám | VIP_8_N-Zs_védés_(védett_vendéglátóhelyek) |