Kettős csatolás: kisebbségi helyzet és nyelvrokonság

minősített tartalom

Double attachment: Minority status and linguistic affinity The author has been working for a couple of years on a sociolinguistic research upon the situation of the Kven minority living in Norway, on the one hand, and the Hungarian minority living in Romania, on the other hand. This paper gives a comparative perspective upon the linguistic human rights of these two Finno- Ugric populations and the way they face their minority status. After the presentation of the spatial position and the number of the Kvens and the Hungarians in Romania, the auth or deals with the main linguistic rights which the Constitution and the different domestic laws in Norway and Romania provide to the national minorities. The most striking similarity in this respect is the fact that although in both countries there are more or less language usage rights provided to the minorities, there is also a huge gap between the rights and their application in everyday life. The main stress is laid by the author on the language of teaching in schools, as it has been both in the case of Norway and Romania the "tool" of enforcing the supremacy of the majority languages in the process of developing the identity of the young generations. The treatment of different segments of a minority's national identity, such as ethnic self-portrait, historicai awareness, cultural image etc. can be frequently met in the sociolinguistic literature. Still, the author considers that the perspective of a researcher belonging to an ethnic minority upon another minority can bring new stresses to the study of ethnic groups.

Cím(ek), nyelv
része Urálisztikai Tanulmányok 17. - Grammatika és kontextus
nyelv angol
nyelv magyar
Személyek, testületek
létrehozó/szerző M. Bodrogi Enikő
kiadó ELTE Finnugor Tanszék
közreműködő Csepregi Márta; Virpi Masonen
Tér- és időbeli vonatkozás
kiadás/létrehozás helye Budapest
dátum 2007-01-01
formátum pdf
Jogi információk
jogtulajdonos ELTE BTK MNyFI Finnugor Tanszék
hozzáférési jogok Ingyenes hozzáférés
Forrás, azonosítók
forrás ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet Finnugor Tanszék
azonosító ISSN 0238-6747
azonosító ISBN 978-963-463-938-1